The Difference Between Clean, And Beer Clean!
Beer Clean Glass Cleaner and Beer Clean Sanitizer
You're at you favorite bar with your friends and you order your go-to beer. This is going to be a great time, right? The bartender hands you your drink and you notice a film around the edge of the glass. Gross. Clearly, this glass could be cleaner and now that's all you can focus on for the night instead of having a good time.
Has this ever happened to you? Not with Beer Clean! Just one rinse with Beer Clean's Glass Cleaner and Sanitizer will have your beer looking sparkling clear and free of bubbles. As you can see from this image, beer in a properly cleaned glass will also form a thick and creamy-like head. Not the case with a glass that has been sort of cleaned. Using this odorless, concentrated formula to clean glasses, all you will taste is your favorite flavors; not mineral or soap build-up from the glass. Effective in hot or cold water, Beer Clean cleans every glass completely. Take a look at the linked document of all the Beer Clean product lines and visit our Beer Clean products to find out how you can get your Beer... Clean!
Ensure your good time like Beer Clean ensures a thoroughly clean glass. Ask your bartender if they use Beer Clean and let the good times roll! Receive a $5.00 mail-in rebate with every case today through September 30th!